Sunday, March 13, 2005

What's Happening

Click on link above to find the truth and then, get the truth out there!

Why Isn't This Story Being Covered?

New 5/1/05

In Common Dreams, Doug Ireland's article, "John McCain, Hypocrite" exposes so many of the delusions that we breathe while in our plastic bubbled BUSHWORLD. Take a look and think about our "free press" and how the 4th estate is letting us down when we need it the most...

Also, why are we not hearing anything about the doctored and delayed story of Saddam Hussein's capture reported by Rochester, NY's channel 13?

Wake Me Up in 2008!!

the emperor's new clothes... i feel that i will be stuck in this story forever!! surreal reality where hypocrisy, deception, and greed reign supreme... soothsayers are the enemy, plastic bubbles are the order of the day....

Week in Review